Emmanuel Stern, an American citizen, grew up between London, Western Europe (France, Belgium, Spain, and Italy) and Uganda (East Africa) before coming to settle down in Switzerland to begin studies in automotive mechanics. Studies in which he excelled, obtaining in 2002 his diploma of electromechanical engineer with the best results of the canton of Geneva and gaining numerous distinctions: the award of honor of the Council of Geneva State, the award of excellence of the Association of the Awarded Mechanics in Automobiles (AMAD) and a special award from the Swiss Professional Union of Automobile (UPSA) in recognition of his continuous efforts and achievements throughout his curriculum.
Wishing to break the standard pattern, or at least not become part of it, Emmanuel worked his way through his studies as an evening mechanic, building up not only the foundation of his professional equipment but also the beginning of what was to become his clientele. At the age of only 24, right after obtaining his diploma, Emmanuel founded The Pitstop Garage, with the financial support of Roger Thomet, a long time friend.
In 2004, to keep up with a trade in constant evolution, Emmanuel enrolled in the “Brevet Federal” training, a curriculum that offers the highest level in mechanics and diagnostics available in the Swiss automotive industry today.
Following his graduation, the Geneva mechanics school (EMG) presented him with a position as a part-time teacher allowing him to teach for two years while continuing to run the Pitstop Garage. At the end of 2010, wishing to dedicate himself completely to the extension of his company (opening of a second workshop in the city center), he stopped teaching but continues however to be a member of the panel of experts for the finals exams for candidates to obtain the automotive CFC (Federal certificate).
In early 2011, the national radio, World Radio Switzerland (WRS), proposed him to co-lead a weekly show, every Monday between 12:30 and 13:00, called Motoring On, where he handles news headlines regarding the automotive industry, all things technical and answers live any listener questions.